Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Jimmy Kimmel got it right: others don't get it at all

Mr. Shapiro wrote an article for the "Daily News" (whatever that is), and said Jimmy Kimmel was wrong in saying that Obamacare didn't save his child because the hospital he was served at was a private one paid by charities. He continued by saying that if you are not willing to pay for insurance when you are healthy, well, that's on you.

Shapiro ignores the point of Kimmel's speech: what happens when YOU ARE BORN WITH PRECONDITIONS. Without an ACA mandate that insurance companies cover that person you will be either denied or the cost will be so horrendous with premiums and deductibles that bankrupt the person. He also assumes that insurance companies 'go bankrupt' covering folks with preconditions and the ACA (Obamacare) is to blame. Here is the reality according to the LA Times' Michael Hiltzik:: " The higher costs faced by insurers in the ACA market demonstrate how much medical care was being foregone by Americans who couldn’t get insurance in the past. A cancer patient who was uninsurable in the past is now eligible for care.

In the words of Charles Gaba, whose tracking of ACA enrollments is an indispensable resource, “Without the ACA, they'd be utterly screwed and would very likely go bankrupt trying to pay the full price for treatment, or die without it … Now multiply that person by several million others with similar horrible ailments, and the question is no longer purely about ‘how much will it cost’ but also ‘how many lives can we save’ and ‘how much pain/agony can we relieve?’” Tell these people that Obamacare isn’t working." So again, Shapiro does not get it. Some(one/organization) must pay for the extra coverage. True. That is why reform and NOT reject the ACA is the answer. The best reform is to increase the cost and mandate that the younger low-risk folks pay more and to keep a clear eye on the profit margins and risk analysis of the insurance companies. They are not in the medical care business--they are in the make-a-profit business. When you see the top executives in these industries and Big Pharma losing a few million in bonuses, then we are working together. See below:

Note: the ''losses were in the hundreds of thousands for United Health Care (one of the biggest) in a quarter of 2015. They didn't like they took their business and ran away. But just try to find out how much the top dogs get paid and you'll see just how the company is suffering! Oh, look...I did it for you. How do these 'guys' sleep at night? How indeed.

There is never a 'free ride' but there is greed. And greed is the order of the day.

1 comment:

  1. Healthcare in the US is a scandal. We (taxpayers) pay the most out of any country, and get far from top quality care for the money we pay. ACA was a good start, but further reform is needed, designed for the END USERS (the tax payers), not the entire health care market. Maximizing profits, free market competition... great for breakfast cereal, not for people's health

    Mr. P I highly recommend this recent episode on Common Sense Podcast, ever heard of it? Check out ep. 314 Unhealthy Numbers
