Friday, October 14, 2016

The Politics of Cynicism vs. Gratitude. Your Choice

These are facts: poverty rate is declining ( NY Times, three weeks ago, front page); unemployment 4.9%; President Bush was mislead and spent trillions in Iraq ; President Obama cut off the head of 9.11 attackers, Bin Laden: just facts. 
Yes . People's wages are awful. People are angry and distrustful. I do not underestimate the pain these families and individuals are suffering.
The cause is the issue, as is the solution. Do we blame the managers of our government? Or  do we blame the top tier of the corporate world( in which profits skyrocket) ? Do we blame failing workers' unions? Do we blame the industries that do all it can to avoid taxes and pay higher wages and medical benefits? Do we blame public schools for not preparing students for the new economy? Do we blame the families who are falling apart and, with it, do we criticize the lack of parental guidance? Do we blame a drug culture that has turned people into zombies from Appalachia to urban ghettos (see "Hillbilly Elegy) ? Do we blame colleges for costs that outstrip the ability to pay these loans?
Do we look in the mirror and work harder despite all this and prove that we are stronger than this and stronger together- regardless of party affiliation and life's difficult circumstances?
That is the crux of the issue.
Senator Bernie Sanders pushed Americans and Secretary Clinton to ask some of these questions. We would be wise to pay attention. President Obama saved us from economic disaster as we bleed out 800,000 jobs a month. He restored integrity to the office. His family modeled for America what parenthood should be. The First Lady, Michelle Obama continues to be a beacon of hope for young girls and women, here and abroad.
For this I am most grateful.
Blame and hate gets us nowhere, making us cynical, and turns us against each other. We should pay our fair share of taxes to live in the greatest nation on Earth. The effort to remain the guiding light of liberty is ON US!
So...that's my view from the Metaphor Cafe. (previously a response to FB post--but updated)

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