In many ways teaching is a relay race as one generation of teachers passes the baton to the next. The faster the baton is passed the faster the mentor teacher can get the young protégé ‘up to speed.'
A lot has
been made by my Baby Boomer colleagues that we were the first generation ("post
the Korean War," said Jimmy Dutton) that embraced teaching as a ‘lifestyle
choice’. And with that push, the commitment to excellence and innova
tion in teaching evolved. But make no doubt that the children of the Baby Boom are making an impact on the lives of this new 'g-g-g-generation'.
tion in teaching evolved. But make no doubt that the children of the Baby Boom are making an impact on the lives of this new 'g-g-g-generation'.
I am very proud of
Erin, Serena, Megan and Tara, Ashley, Andy, Mark—just a few of the most recent Mt. Carmel High
School grads to grab the baton and take off flying down the track.
Kudos to their parents (the Mt. Carmel PE/ Health department gets
special commendations!) for being their inspiration. I had the pleasure of
teaching all seven of these young teachers, and each brings something every teacher
must have when they walk into a classroom—compassion. Each has
had to run hard and fast, sometimes facing hurdles that our generation did not
have to leap.
I don’t mean to dismiss the many other young folks who have
left Mt. Carmel to also become teachers—actually the problem for me is that
there are just too many to list! I know. They write me on Facebook, they invite
me into their classrooms (Robin and Krista), and I see them coaching (Gail,
Cachi, and Dani)…etc., etc, etc.
So here’s to the runners who grab the baton and head to the
finish line—even though it is more a marathon than a sprint.
p.s. I am always willing, like many, many of my retired
colleagues to jump in and make a ‘guest appearance.’ All they need to do is
ask. (Note: I left the last names a ‘mystery’—but ask me on FB in a message, and
I’ll let you know.
This is the 4th installment of my 'Ode to Teachers" here at the Metaphor Cafe...and now you can 'Follow' me by clicking a button (on your laptop)--even Old Guys can learn a few new tricks.
Or to give teachers a break