I do not take Trump, the person, seriously. That’s not to say the nation should not take the threat that his presidency has created as a serious matter — 200,000 and climbing serious.
Merriam Webster explains that in the theater a farce is “an empty or patently ridiculous act, proceeding, or situation.” These four years of the Trump Troupe has elevated foolishness to an art. Trump is the lead actor in this theater of the absurd. He does not care about anything but his ego, terrified at the prospect of being a ‘loser’ or the parlance of the Broadway boards — a flop. His vanity knows no bounds, and if the audience begins to sense the show is a bust, Trump will blame every other actor, director or writer for the collapse.
But don’t fret. He only plays to an audience who simply adores him. He is so off-off-off Broadway that he is only at home in Mar-a-logo, where they pay a King’s ransom to rub elbows with the porn star lover, twice divorced, casino bankrupt Chairman of the Bored.
His endless list of (former) co-stars has been reduced to his loyal minions — namely, his children. These actors have absolutely no experience on the Big Stage, or for that matter running any government office. They never have shown any dedication to the craft of statesmanship, government service heretofore was ‘beneath them. Their lives were consumed with the illusion of the rich and famous.
Specifically, his son-in-law who was in charge of everything his father could think of from the Middle East to the Russian ‘fake news’ could not even pass a security clearance to top secret information. That is how much the intelligence directors trusted him. The Whistleblower testified to the House Oversight Committee that Jared Kushner too many “significant disqualifying factors” to receive a clearance.1
His ‘prized’ daughter seems to think that her line of costume design (made in sweat shops) qualifies her to be the heir to his presidential throne. NBC News reported in2017 that the Chinese workers worked 60 hours a week and made $60 for their effort.2
The New York Times reported that as of this writing, 60 of the Trump’s top administrators, who make up the 21 highest ranking posts serving this president, have resigned or been forced out. This is unfavorably compared to the previous four presidents dating back to 1994 to 2016 only had a total of 5 top advisors leave office. “’The disruption is highly consequential,’ Max Stier, the president and chief executive of the Partnership for Public Service, a nonprofit organization that specializes in federal government management issues. ‘When you lose a leader, it has a cascade effect throughout the organization.’” 3
Let’s not forget the carousel of chiefs of staff who sometimes try to bring order to the chaos only to eventually get the boot by the boss. Trump has fired the first three since they were not fawning over him. He is on number four. Job security is not a high priority of a president who demands loyalty. 4
And the hooting Greek chorus of Fox News commentators, not to be confused with journalists, who give a nightly rendition of Bravo! — have applauded the farce with the latest unoriginal Nixonian cry of ‘Four More Years!’ (I exclude Chris Wallace, who reports serious news, only to be chastised by the President whenever he gets out of line. The Hill reported, “President Trump lashed out at Fox News anchor Chris Wallace on Sunday, calling the ‘Fox News Sunday’ host a ‘Mike Wallace wannabe,’ a reference to Chris Wallace’s late father.” Trump doesn’t know the characters in the play — Mike Wallace is the hero of our play.5
The latest scenes are so farcical that one has to stop yelling at the television and remember that it is “Theater of the Absurd.” Take for instance the “I down-played the virus”…until the next day “I up-played the virus.” 6
Follow that up with the smug and callous remark to the scientists in California who tried to explain to the Lead Actor that just raking the leaves isn’t the answer. It’s the climate, Stupid.” Trump’s response, “It will get cooler…I don’t think the science knows.” 7
He does not understand the difference between climate and weather? Don’t bother trying to understand his magical thinking that the virus will “one day just go away”…”disappear.”
He wants his audience to believe what will make him ‘a winner.” It’s so simple — when you don’t think about it. And that’s the key. Don’t think. Don’t question. Don’t listen to anyone other than the man who knows more than “the generals.”
If you do, and you protest, his attorney general may just have you arrested for “sedation.” (That’s the headline of September 16th, 2020.)
There will be a replacement for Obamacare and it will be “fabulous.” Just like “The Wall.” Just like a new immigration plan that “we will be rolling out soon” Trump claimed on the ABC Town Hall. Oh. Don’t forget, “Mexico will pay for the wall.” Sure they will.
This presidential farce keeps playing to ‘sold out’ arenas…until November 3rd. Then the curtain closes and the theater goes dark. And all the actors go back where they came from — to their cloistered, rich palaces with debts “no honest man can pay’ to quote Bruce Springsteen.
Unless the audiences are fooled. That’s what they are counting on. It’s the only way the “show will go on.”
1 Tom Hamburger, Rachael Bade and Ashley Parker. Washington Post April 3, 2019.
2 Erik Ortiz, April 26, 2017.
3 Denise Lu and Karen Yourish. Updated April 10, 2020.
5 John Bowden.April 12 2020.
6 NY Times. September 16.2020.
7 CNBC. Kevin Breuniger. September 14, 2020.
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