Thursday, July 18, 2019

It’s Time for a ‘WE ARE THE WORLD’ Moment

I’ll keep this short and tart. On March 7th in 1985, people of all ages, religions, colors, and sexes put their egos outside the door and came together to sing a song of unity. It was a fundraiser called “USA for AFRICA.” It was all everyone could talk about for over a year. 

Singers from all backgrounds: rock, Rand B, country, pop, folk and even the Big Band era joined their voices to remind the United States that we could do great things when we sang as a chorus. They had one thing in common—they were Americans and they saw something terrible happening globally. It was time to ask people to rise up to “make the world a better place for you and me.”

The people who need to be front and center today are not the singers; they are our politicians. All of them.

This time is now. I’m not talking about the Moon, Mars, or even the protection of the Earth (although that is an imminent threat to our survival). I am talking about American Intolerance. We cannot be defeated on the battlefield, but we can be defeated by division, selfishness, and persecution.

I am old enough to remember the phrase “AMERICA: LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT.” It was aimed at those who protested the war in Vietnam. It was really about disagreement, fear, and anger. James Michener said it best in the final line of his work about Kent State, “Tolerance. God, how we needed it then.” Four died that day in Ohio in May of 1970, and it took the lives of these college students to turn public opinion against the conflict in Vietnam. It  brutally reminded every American that the right to protest should always be part of the creed all Americans hold dearly.

Winston Groom, the author of the book Forrest Gump, was asked what the theme was.. His simple answer: “We can’t all be smart; we can’t all be rich; we can’t all be famous, but each and every one of us can treat all people with dignity.”

This is the team we play for. All of us.

Photos from Upspsplash
Top photo courtsey of :Natalie Rhea Riggs
Lower phote courtsey of James Lee


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