Gang: Regarding the ''Who started it first?' Debate on the aggressive, attack language, It is a counter productive argument that only leads to a Hatfield- McCoy conclusion.
Of course, the Trump Train is the engine pulling all the cars, but that train left the station back in the 1960's ( at least) and attacks just go unabated. Perhaps, rather than that metaphor that Mark Twain used in Huck Finn (with different family names), it would serve the nation to remember that 'a plague on both houses' can only be truly ended with real change.
The most obvious to me is the weapons used in violent attacks.. Both sides need to agree on one simple thing : we have a right to have a gun or rifle, but all assault weapons of of the nature used in the recent assassination attempts in DC on Republicans must be banned. Confiscated with restitution if necessary.. Both sides give in. Gun checks and gun show sales need closer scrutiny.
First, come together in deeds, not just words and then recognize the that debate on issues is not a call to arms. We need a "Farewell to Arms"
With apologies to Twain, Hemingway and Shakespeare.
Bob Pacilio
Addendum: (After two of my former students commented on FB explaining the confusion about what is an 'assault weapon', here is my reaction:
I also am quite proud to say both of my former students knowledgeable opinions regarding the definitions of 'assault weapons' speak volumes about their understanding of this debate. However, just today, it was on reported that 70 % of guns confiscated by Mexican police are made in the USA. it is a sad truth that this, of all products is what nations want from us the most. Ironically, these same weapons land into the hands of cartels and the used against us.
My knowledge of firearms is very limited. The bigger point is whatever the issue or the type of forearm, etc. it is the act of compromise not just the talk of 'getting along better'. So since this recent event highlights the gun debate,but still the sides will not compromise. I believe some substantive compromise can be a start. Look to the global warming crisis. Neither side makes a move to do something significant.
The 'coming together in Congress' talk is cheap; it is what compromises that actually occur where both sides give a little.I chose gun legislation as an example since it was on the hearts and minds of so many in Congress...but alas, little will be done.
Sorry for my longest blog...ever. Bob