Monday, March 13, 2017

Why'd ya have to be so complicated? (Apologies to Avril Lavigne)

Whoever thought that X could be so complicated?
(X= the following)
passing health insurance
getting Republicans to agree on the solution
building a wall across the southern border
making Mexico pay for it
fighting a war against terrorism
answering questions from the American press
releasing your "audited" tax returns
understanding global warming isn't a hoax

and...proving what you say about Y
Y= the following
having the largest electoral presidential vote
having the larger inaugural attendance than Obama
having to prove Obama "wire-taped" Trump Tower
having to prove Hillary was really breaking any law
having to prove Micheal Flynn was lying...
...oh, wait, that was proven. And now he is a foreign agent
working for Turkey!
I get some things are easy to prove when you know the facts.

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