So I want to say that President Obama and VP Joe Biden were part of the finest administration I have seen in my lifetime.
Second. President Obama had only two years (effectively) to accomplish major programs because of the McConnell/ Republican opposition to anything he tried to do ( this included even Supreme Court nominations!). Despite all that, his ACA insured 20–40 million previously uninsured people, and he was the only president to accomplish this medical miracle of coverage that Ted Kennedy worked for decades to accomplish. And whom do you think lobbied, cajoled and arm twisted Congress to get this legislation passed? Biden. He and Nancy Pelosi accomplished the medical miracle.(He would have created under a public option if he could have gotten through the Senate. That was not to be.)
After the first two years, it became a slog and that was rooted in the right wing / Republican/ Fox attacks that are the source of why Washington can’t get much done and the root of polarization and the rise of the most inept, corrupt president the United States has had to endure. (“He who shall not be named.”)
In addition, the Obama/ Biden administration was responsible for the end of Osama Bin Laden; something the Bush Administration could not manage to accomplish despite their ill advised Middle Eastern invasion. (Critics: look at the famous picture of the attack.)
Obama inherited that mess. Biden stood side by side and fought with the president to accomplish so much when the opposition was so obstinate.
Writers who are disappointed with President Obama and then rag on VP Joe Biden do so in a sad attempt at reminding their readers of how much better things would be if Bernie Sanders could be the nominee…pleeeeease just stop!
These writers claim the only real ‘crime’ President Obama is guilty of was the drone attacks which killed innocent civilians. It is that collateral damage that is the result of war and we have had this issue to contend with since Truman dropped two bombs on Japanese islands. The sad reality is we do not and cannot know how many terrorist attacks have been thwarted from this action. We do know that fewer American troops have died as a result of drones. Perhaps I need to study the effectiveness of these preemptive attacks. Perhaps Mr. Obama has sleepless nights thinking of those attacks. Perhaps it was those attacks that ultimately dismantled forces intent on attacking America.
I should note that Obama’s 8 years brought America zero attacks from these terrorists on our homeland.
Finally, you (critics) conveniently omit President Obama’s achievement of pulling America out of the economic nosedive that was the Great Recession.
So to conclude, Obama had so much to fix, so little Senate support, so many enemies on the (far) right and blowhards like Limbaugh and Hannity and the No-Spin O’Rielly, that it is remarkable what their thoroughly competent administration could achieve.
Remember this — President Obama remains incredibly popular (70%) and the most admired man in America for the last six years. That, Friends and Critics, tells you the intangible greatness of the man. His Vice President — Joe Biden will carry on the mission Obama began. It may be one term — but the nation needs to reset its course and experience and building a team of rivals is part of the Biden plan.
(Author’s Note: This was my reaction to a response about how Biden was a poor choice by the Democrats this year and will be ineffective, and President Obama was also ineffective; his drone attacks proved he was a disappointing failure, too!)