To all folks who understand the power of a civics teacher on a student’s mind. The words are Rich Clark, Mt. Carmel alumni:
“I remember the first day of 12th grade Civics class. I had Ms. Estelle Ricketson...her first words were, "Good morning, take your seats, close your mouth and open your mind. Someday, this class will make sense too you. Our constitution, the framework of our country, is the real textbook. I will teach you things that I hope never come to pass, but are essential to understanding how our country works."
Never, would I have thought that our country would be in this precarious position, in the midst of a constitutional crisis. But here we are. My first supervisor in the Air Force told me he makes it a point to read the constitution every year on his birthday. He did this as a reminder of why he wakes up every morning and puts on a uniform. I followed his sage advice. I hope you do too.
Today I would hope that the DOJ policy of not indicting a sitting president would be challenged in court. Why, it is unconstitutional. Why would I make this claim that the president is NOT immune from prosecution? It is in the constitution. Article II, section 4 states that The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.
How on earth could you have a conviction if a sitting president can't be indicted? The language is specific about the President and Vice President and includes other civil officers. If they are convicted they SHALL be removed from office on impeachment. Thank you Ms. Ricketson...I paid attention in your class.
Moreover, we are seeing an abuse of power in the executive branch that is creating the crisis at hand. Although the words, "separation of powers" aren't used in the constitution, the framework is laid out to keep each branch in check by the other two branches. John Kingdon a political science professor at the University of Michigan gives us the idea that, "its complexity as one of the reasons for lower citizen participation." The complexity of the separation of powers is what gives ordinary people the power and responsibility to influence any of the three branches of government. This my friends, is what truly makes our country great. Not a country that throws its weight around on a world stage, not a country that makes it nearly impossible to legally immigrate into, not a country where a President is completely unclear in their motivation and vision.
The evidence that we have seen is clear, and more will come from the Special Counsel Report. The President does not value the constitution in the same light as you and I. In his book, The Art of The Deal, he implies the he has crafted his businesses around the premise that if it fails, so what, I have hedged my bets and will profit from the failure, just not as much. Unfortunately, Mr. President, the “Board of Directors” of your “Company,” We the People, don’t see it that way.
What we see is a man who has an insatiable hunger for power. A man willing to shatter the very document that formed our country, a man willing to do anything for power, whether real or perceived. My dear friends and patriots, it is now time to look at the document that declared us free from the tyranny of England and, King George III. “When in the course of human events…” It is the second thing I read on my birthday. I yield the balance of my time….”