Monday, January 7, 2019

To “Like”—Just a “Click”Away, But Is Skin in the Game?

Last election I did not just click “Like.” For the first time (and I must add that I am retired from the 9-5 job), I participated. I’m not trying to elevate myself as something grand or bold. I merely exercised my citizenship. I got out there and phone banked, went to meetings, blogged my views, paid my dues (in cash), and really got behind Mike Levin for Congress.

Boy, was I on pins and needles on election night! This time it mattered personally. Mike won. But the real winners were the folks who set records for protesting at Mr. Issa’s office—rain or shine—every Tuesday. The real winners were those who step up to the plate, in whatever means they have, to make a difference.
Who else stepped up? John McCain did so famously by putting his thumb down and saving the Affordable Care Act. 

Dr. Christine Ford stepped up to the cameras and told the nation what happened to her, with nothing to gain (but self respect) and everything to lose. One succeeded and one failed…on paper that is.

Atticus Finch said that “Courage is when you know you’re licked before you begin, but you do it anyway…you rarely win, sometimes you do….” It’s not always about whether you win or lose, but it is the principle at stake. I don’t know if I have that kind of courage—to sing my song and thus attract the attention of those “hunters’ out there. But I thought that this time I was not just going to sit out another election and shake my head at the folly of our politicians.

This brings me to my point. It is easy to click like…or love…or tag on an emoji (I’m not an emoji guy), but it matters so much more to respond. It can be with words, but it is better with deeds. These actions are based on values that are not heroic—they are American. Selflessness. Concern for others. Listening to the facts.  All are noble, but all must be followed with some action. That’s what Alan Sorkin’s new adaptation of “To Kill a Mockingbird” argues for. And I for one, applaud him.

So thanks to all who step up. We have much to do to reset our ship of state back on course.  

And as an aside, thanks to the 1,673 people who "viewed" my blog about my newest novel “Meet Me at Moonlight Beach” and the 100's who "liked"’s available on Amazon (just a click away), and I am speaking around town—this Wednesday 1/9/2019 at the Second Chance Brewery in Carmel Mt. Ranch from 5-7pm. Support this fine local brewery that has graciously waived fees to have me there. 

Oh, and thanks to the Assistance League of Rancho San Dieguito for their support of my novel in December. Now there’s a group that steps up to help those in need. Bravo, Ladies.