This will be the shortest but possibly the most important blog that I write.
I simply want to encourage, with all my heart and soul, each person to take the time to watch HBO's documentary on Senator John McCain entitled "For Whom the Bell Tolls."
It is the examination of the hardships and triumphs of a true American hero. People of my 'vintage' know some of the story of this heroic man--but this telling, by politicians of all political stripes including President Obama, paints the picture of what it is to serve this country, first and foremost. And for the younger generations, this is a profile in courage and a lesson drenched in American valor.
His is a lifetime of sacrifice. It is a tale of love, loss, grit ...and a few other choice four letter words that this maverick experiences all in the service of truth, honor, and always in the positive values that makes America "the last and best hope for the Earth" of which we live.
He is a fan of Hemingway. He is the grandson of an admiral. His ancestors fought for the Confederacy. He survived torture that is beyond comprehension as a POW in the "Hanoi Hilton."
The pity for me personally is that he did not win the presidency in 1999 when he ran against George W. Bush. The documentary explains why.I wonder what shape our nation would have been had he not been so viciously attacked in that 'political race.'
This is the man Mr. Trump insulted. This is a man who gave more to this nation in a day than Mr. Trump could ever give in a lifetime. Mr. Trump cannot possibly embody even a molecule of the Senator's character and nobility. McCain is repulsed by what he sees today in the political partisanship of Congress.
To all those people rallying at Trump's shows...take to time to see what a real hero stands for. You will be humbled and, frankly, embarrassed by the buffoon you are idolizing.
Senator McCain speaks of how government is supposed to work because it used to be that way.
Joe Biden was one of his best friends. Almost everyone who speaks of Senator McCain chokes up when trying to take the measure of the man.
God Speed Senator John McCain. God Speed.